The road that led me here

While in college clear across the country, I found myself one big stress ball coming upon months of no period. While everyone else was grateful their birth control allowed them to skip their periods, I intuitively knew I needed and wanted mine! A trip to the OB’s office should do the trick and they will have answers, I thought to myself. It was that very moment I was handed the one and only answer of birth control. I took the bait (not knowing any other option). I felt defeated and succumbed to my intuitive nagging feeling of, THIS IS WRONG!

Fast forward many years later I sat in another OB’s office this time a fertility specialist with my husband by my side anxious for answers as to why we could not get pregnant. With the diagnosis of PCOS, IVF was staring at us when I was given a CLEAR POWERFUL message from GOD, “Wait for me!” If I knew then what I know now, that message would have given me chills on top those chills I had. Obeying his word, we found ourselves pregnant that very next month WITHOUT IVF or any other medical intervention. Now 2 beautiful children later, I see the plan God had for me! I have combined every bit of what I know along with intense passion to support other Women through their journey into and through Motherhood. Wrapping many degrees and countless hours studying for the latest most effective forms of nutrition with the knowings of internal powerful intuition I opened Red Bird Wellness.


They say red birds symbolize passion, courage, well-being and tradition. A red bird represents rebirth and often a sign guardian angels are near. The Bible mentions a red bird in the book of Isaiah as a symbol of hope and restoration.

“For I will restore you to health and I will heal your wounds, declares the LORD. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you, your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”

A sign of hope, faith and new beginnings.